TuberculosisRapid, specific and sensitive technique of diagnosis and drug resistance screening

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It usually affects the lungs but also can affect other sites like kidney, spine and brain.

Multi Drug resistant TB (MDR TB) is a major concern for TB control wherein the bacteria are not detected by conventional methods. The solid and liquid culture-based method for first line and second line drug susceptibility testing (DST) are time consuming.

Molecular diagnosis by NAT – Nucleic acid Amplification Testing provides a rapid, specific and sensitive diagnostic and drug resistance screening technique.

Our Panels

Test Code Test Test Details Suitable for Sample TAT (Working days)
ID01 MTB detection Detection of M. tuberculosis by Nucleic Acid Amplification test Suspected cases of TB Sputum/ broncho alveolar lavage, pleural aspirates, CSF. 5 days
ID02 MTB/RIF sensitivity Drug (Rifampicin) sensitivity testing (by NAAT) to find out if the TB bacterium in the patient's body is sensitive to Rifampicin. Confirmed cases of TB Sputum/ broncho alveolar lavage, pleural aspirates, CSF. 10 days
ID03 MTB/multi Drug selection Sensitivity testing (by NAAT) of first and second line drugs(5) to find the right drug for TB bacterium in the patient's body. Confirmed cases of TB or MDR TB Sputum/ broncho alveolar lavage, pleural aspirates, CSF. 10 days